Home bouquet


In another life, is be a flower person. I’d grow them. Arrange them. Make pretty with them. For now, they live in the land of specialist treats. To make a change air transition, to perk up my space, to gift a dear heart. More than expensive gifts, flowers really feel to me like a showering of love. In a happier moment, I used to think that cut flowers were… Bad. Buy a plant already! Enjoy life that continues to grow and develop. The thing is, have you ever had a hunch of peonies in your home. Ohmygod. The transformation and opening each bud goes through in a week is almost heartbreakingly beautiful.

My next home, will have regular flowers. And a kitchen banquet, and a sun filled living room, and exposed brick, and will be off the ground floor. I know this because WE GOT AN APARTMENT TODAY. Dream neighborhood, 2 blocks from Caitlin, close to trains. No guarantors (this was a major source of stress for me) – we got this all on our own.

2 years into nyc and a home shall be made! Now, for that tiny pinching detail. I have a month between homes! Yikes! Luckily, along trip to New Orleans will break up a month of couch surfing. And, that month of rent will help with set-up costs.

This is going to be so good!

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